Request the Energy Form
Request The ENERGY For Your Next Event!
If you are a not-for-profit organization (and a member of the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce) and have an event in which you could use a few extra hands, Request the Energy of HVYP Today!
The guidelines for “Request the ENERGY” Program are as follows:
Request must be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to the event, by filling out the form below
Must be a Not for Profit organization AND a Member (in good standing) of the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce
An organization can only use the Request the ENERGY program once during a 6 month period
Volunteer services are for the use of special events (ie. golf tournaments, charity walks, galas)
HVYP volunteers are not permitted to raise fund for the organization (ie. sell raffle tickets or event tickets, raise money or sell sponsorships)